Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Human & Alive

An eternal voyage to discover the secrets where logic fails

An unending endeavor to untangle the knots of the life

To unravel the meaning of the rush in veins,

When someone tells they care for you,

To decrypt the joyous excitement in the heart

When someone holds your hand and says I will be there for you

To explain the anxiety in the mind

When someone holds your hand and promises to stay forever

With a flash of light I confronted the moment of truth today,

I experienced the warmth; I have been running away from.

The tear drops dripping on my shoulders assured me that I was human and alive

The friend whom I was hugging, was actually holding me together,

The glittering eyes telling me out loud that everything will be better,

And this day, the logic did not fail, the cryptic message was clear,

I promised to do a favor to myself, try not to lose this friend ever.

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